One of the main reasons I moved to low-sec to do mining was to do some more manufacturing of goods from things I acquired in low-sec space. That and having a structure that I could call my own out in space that is often not used primarily for industry. Sort of contribute to the scenery a bit as a non-PvP and non-FW pilot that is doing something else than the norm.
Manufacturing Goods
Manufacturing goods in low-sec seems to be a good idea thus far. I primarily focus on Tech II rig production myself. This is mostly because I do so much Hacking, it just makes sense to use both the Datacores and Salvaged Materials to both invent and make the rigs.
Now that the system has matured enough, you can skip the whole hacking part and just buy the materials you need to both invent and make the rigs you need at a profit. I still hack though, mainly because it's still a fun gameplay mechanic and it's the best way to get more bang for you buck.
One thing I hate about manufacturing though, and it's the same for the science based trades like Invention, is the fact you are very limited to how much you can do. With pretty max skills, you can really only run around 10 manufacturing jobs and science jobs at a time. You really got to pick and choose what you can do. Then when you do something, you are locked in for many hours. If you are using invention to invent larger ship blueprint copies like say, Tech II Assault Cruisers, then the time to build the item can be days depending on skills and other bonuses.
I've already started a secondary character to help with expanding my orders. I will likely continue to expand to at least 2 more characters so I can potentially do around 30 jobs per industry at a time. That way I can really churn out some goods to sell in any of the major trade hubs. In theory, it's working out well and it really only takes a couple of skill injectors to get a new character off the ground in industry as well science thankfully.
Invention Fun
I will say this, the invention piece of the whole trade is pretty cool still. The wait time to see if your invention is going to be successful or failure is pretty exciting regardless of the passiveness. I really enjoy getting on after 3 hours of so to see what Tech II items I will be making next. It's also fun trying to figure out a system to keep making blueprint copies, then inventing them and then building what actually was successful from your invention on top of constantly hitting up the market for materials as well just pushing your goods out to the people who need them.
Next for me would be looking into taking what profit I am making and maybe sinking them back into better rigs for my structures to help give my efforts here a good bonus. But, until then, fly safe and see you next time hopefully in space!
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